No submissions about memes, jokes, meta, or hypothetical / dream builds.No titles that are all-caps, clickbait, PSAs, pro-tips or contain emoji.No submissions about retailer or customer service experiences.Try running the computer in safe mode and uninstalling all Nvidia related device drivers. The issue might be with windows or drivers. No submissions about sales, deals or unauthorized giveaways It doesnt seem like a hardware issue as your system is able to detect the video cards 970 as well as 770 and is able to fire up the display.If still the issue still persist after the steps above, I. 3: Run System File Checker Tool in Windows 10. In case of a Graphics and Video Card Driver related error, your operating system will not be able to access or make best use of the functionality of your. msi file that matches your current OS Build and click Next. No submissions about hardware news, rumors, or reviews Go to Download driver and firmware for Surface, choose Surface Book 3 then click Download on the next page.Confirm that the date next to 'Driver Date:' is somewhat close to the one you installed at the start. Click on the 'Driver' tab at the top of the window named 'NVIDIA (your graphics card name) Properties' 4. Please keep in mind that we are here to help you build a computer, not to build it for you. Right-click on your graphics card in 'Display Adapters' in 'Device Manager' again. Submit Build Help/Ready post Submit Troubleshooting post Submit other post New Here? BuildAPC Beginner's Guide Live Chat on Discord Daily Simple Questions threads